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"Work without play is like peanut butter without jelly, boring." -Jase Robertson (Duck Dynasty)

I'm watching a Duck Dynasty marathon, pretending to do lesson plans while really checking out all the awesome tutorials on Teacher Blogging Basics, and watching it rain.  I still haven't done any lesson plans BUT I have created and added a banner to my TpT store, linked my blog to my TpT store, and added an automatic scroll up button (pinterest style) to my blog.  Check it out on the bottom right...just scroll down and give it a try.  

Go on....

...I'll wait.

Awesome isn't it!  

Go check out Lindsey's tutorials, they're so easy and helpful!
I've got some REALLY exciting news coming out on Tuesday, stay tuned!

On a totally random tangent I got stung on the bottom of my foot by a wasp (I think) this week on the jungle formerly known as our school playground.  Now un-affectionately known as the play-jungle.  

The protagonist in this tale has transformed from a bee to a killer wasp to an anaconda each time I retell the story.  By now, I'm sure it's a cross between an anaconda and a wasp...we'll just say it was a killer ninja ana-wasp.  Here's a picture of my students swimming through the dangerous play-jungle grasses...
Dangerous times in the school yard.
On another totally unrelated tangent, here is a picture I painted for one of my good friends.  She has a pig-obsession and is having a baby girl in November.  I figured this would be a great addition to little Gracie's room.  I hope she likes it!

I suppose it's time to get some lesson plans in.  Happy Sunday and stop by Tuesday for my big news!


  1. Ouch. Hoping your foot feels better. I am sure my story would have included my foot being eaten off by all of the above :) Cute picture :)

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

  2. Thanks Heidi! It's nice to know someone else's stories catch a nice little spin too :)


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