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Fishing Poles For Sale!


Caps for sale!

50 cents a cap!

I love that book : )  I especially like to change it to:


Kids for sale!

50 cents a kid! know, when my students are getting a little crazy.  They think it's hilarious.....they don't know I'm serious.

I didn't log in to tell you about Caps for Sale or even Kids for Sale.  I DID log in to tell you about: FISHING POLES FOR SALE! <- - - -That's in all caps because I just yelled it at the computer screen.

After all the glorious feedback I received about the magnetic fishing poles I made for my good buddy Cheryl over at Primary Graffitti, I've decided to try selling them on Etsy!  This past week I made 11 new sets.

Close up of the hand-painted designs

Each order comes with 2 hand-painted magnetic fishing poles for the low low low price of $7 + s&h!  At this time they are available in green, orange, and yellow.  For now they will be packaged with a ribbon (because I've got a lot of ribbon to run through)!  I hope you'll stop by and check out my new Etsy store!  Pick up some magnetic fishing poles and maybe a few new fishing games to go with it!


  1. I love my fishing poles!!! Please do NOT karate chop me! Peace out!!

  2. Haha! Thanks :) Since you said you like them I won't karate chop you tomorrow!


Leave me a love note! If you leave something nasty I'll hunt you down and karate chop you. Real talk. My computer has spyware. I know where you live :)