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Freebie Friday and First Friday Flash Sale

It's finally Freebie Friday!  Who doesn't love a good freebie!?

This Friday I'm re-featuring (lame, I know, but I'm about to make up for it, keep reading!) one of my favorite items which is perfect for this time of year!  Grab your copy of my Back to School Word building activity here!

If you love it as much as I do, you can pick up Word Building School Holidays from my TpT store!

Here's the best part of my Freebie Friday...I'm placing all items in my TpT store on sale today ONLY for $1.00 to celebrate the first Friday of my school year!  Go get your shop on, like now!

1 comment

  1. I found your blog on Blog Hop. I'm your newest follower. When you get a chance, hop over and check out my new blog.
    Christy :)
    Mrs. Christy’s Leaping Loopers


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