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Word Family Fishing

Happy Labor Day weekend friends!

How did you celebrate the weekend and enjoy your time off?

I went down to St. Augustine to visit a friend who gets a condo down there for the week around this time each year and I took my Mom to lunch to celebrate her birthday.  There should be a 3 day weekend at least once a month, they're so rejuvenating!  

I also just wrapped up and posted a new fishing game!  Word Family Fish and Sort is waiting for you to check it out on TpT.  

There are 5 fishing and sorting games total, one for each vowel.  Students fish for a word and sort it into the appropriate category.  When all of the words have been sorted they record them on a sorting sheet.

I'm going get these started as soon as possible (will post pic's!) because this is great practice for the beginning of first grade.  Inevitably a few of my students tend to lose a some of their word family and rhyming over the summer.  I'm hoping this practice will engage them as they cement this knowledge.

I will email a free copy of this fishing game to the first 5 people to follow my blog and leave a comment!  Don't forget to include your email address in your post!

That's it for now.  Stay tuned for a couple freebies later this week!

Happy teaching!


  1. This looks great! Comments are not showing up like they usually do. I can't believe you aren't flooded with comments.

  2. This looks like a great fishing game.

  3. Thanks so much ladies! I just emailed your copies! 3 Word Family Fish and Sort freebies left!

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