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Book Logging and Responding

Next week I'm planning to talk about my Resource Folder and roll out some fun freebies!

I thought I'd kick it off by sharing a couple today.

Every year we have a huge reading goal that we strive to reach as a school.  Some of the fun things our Principal and VP have done when we reach it are, dance on the roof, water balloons (those were a blast to fill up : /), and students got to dump slime over their heads.  The students get really into it and we track how many books they read.

A while back I made my own Book Log to simplify tracking.  I keep track of my students books by 10's so that I don't have to purchase 38465203 million charts and twice as many stickers.  I also noticed that my students refused to record anything other than the book title.  I mean, let's be serious, 6 year olds have more important things to do, like pick their nose, give each other wet willies, and put paper towels in the toilet to clog it.  I think they secretly love watching me grovel and apologize to the custodian for the wild beasts I'm unsuccessfully taming.

My students record the titles of the books they read during the day and at home (I put one in their homework folder) and when I see a full book log they get 2 stickers/hearts/x's/or whatever else I'm in the mood to use as a mark on our book reading chart.

The next freebie you can grab is a Book Response.  I keep these in their homework folder and resource folder for them to respond to the stories they read at home and during literacy centers.

Students only do one a week at home for homework and about one every 2 weeks at school during literacy centers.  I made this one because the one my grade level uses only has 2 lines for students to write about their stories and I want them to "TRY" to think and write a little more in depth about the stories they read.  Students record the title, author, date, and they rate the book using the smily, straight, and sad face system.  They also have space to draw a picture and lots of space to write about what they like/dislike and explain why or retell/summarize the story.

For both the book response and book log freebies, you will notice that there are 2 copies of the exact same page.  This is so you can run 2 sided copies.  I'm all for paper conservation!  If you think these will work in your classroom please grab your free copies from my TpT store!

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