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Math Supplements

I'm about to ROCK this clubhouse!

My students were abnormally good Wednesday afternoon...

....for the most part....

....for the beginning of the year...

....for a Wednesday.  

So we indulged in a little Peanut Butter Jelly Time.  One of my guilty pleasures is surprise dance parties consisting of PBJ Time and/or The Cha-Cha Slide.  I just love watching 6 year olds lose their mind while they shake their tail-feather.  Plus they always beg me to dance with them.  It usually happens like this:

"Please Ms. Ehlinger, dance with us, we heard you're the best dancer in the school" they say.  

"You're the pride of the westside" they shout.  

"You're beautiful!"  I know what you're thinking, "that doesn't have anything to do with dancing," and you're right, but I just wanted you to know that they say it.  They also call me "Mom" and "Grandma" (it's happened and I'm proud of it) but we're not talking about that either so lets get back to the story.

"Ok" I begrudgingly concede and we all bust a move.

As the song was starting one of my students yelled out "I'm about to ROCK this clubhouse!"

It was that moment when you shout something crazy just as the whole room goes silent.


...more crickets.

Everyone just looked at him and I burst out laughing.

I couldn't help it.

Sometimes I'm the worst.

Luckily he started laughing too!  In fact, we all laughed.  Then we danced and rock it, he did!  He taught me how to 'role the dice' and I taught him how to 'walk like an Egyptian'.  I've still got the sweetest moves in the school though, don't let my kind nature fool you.

And we all lived happily ever after.

The End.

Not really though.  

If you just read all those shenanigans you deserve a reward!  

I've been trying to add a few more freebies to my TpT store and will be featuring them all over the next few weeks.  If you use the Houghton Mifflin reading series for first grade you may be familiar with Mac the Cat.  That little rascal should be making an appearance in the next few weeks so I wanted to share a worksheet I made last year as a supplemental activity.

Click here to get this worksheet for FREE!
Even if you don't use HM this is great practice for listing -at family words, handwriting, and creative writing.  Plus there's a cute little kitty to color!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I might move just so you can teach Reece! Lol jk. Sounds like fun!!

  2. Pride of the west side???
    Nice one!

  3. Thanks ladies! Dana, I put that in there just for you bahaha :)


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