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Math Supplements

Back to School Ice Breaker

How do you break the ice on the first day?  Last year I used this little "ice breaker" game and it was a fun way to make new friends!

Since I thew it together last minute last year I never really did anything with it.  This year I decided to throw a dress on it share on TPT!

Students will work in small groups of 2-4 students. They will take turns rolling a die and moving a plastic bear manipulative the number of spots they rolled. 

If they land on a picture they find it on the Question Key, read it, answer it, and ask their partners to answer as well! If they land on a "you choose" arrow they can share any fact they would like about themselves. 

When all players make it to the finish line they can find new partners and play again!

What I love most about this game is that it's "print and play" friendly!  Last week I printed 10 copies of the game board and 1 copy of the question key (I projected it onto the board).  I laminated everything for durability this weekend.  Today I added 1 die and plastic bear manipulatives.  Voila!  Done!  Just what I need during Back-to-School CRAZY!

Oh, the kids had a blast too!  I'd post pictures but I totally forgot my camera today!  Looks like my students will be taking "Second Day of First Grade" pictures tomorrow!  

Womp!  Womp!

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