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MTSS Monday: Collaboration

I've tried to plan out this post on collaboration for MTSS Monday all day and I really can't get past the title.  Vanilla Ice distracts me every time....

You're welcome....for that :)

Now let me see if I can get past Vanilla to talk to you about how I collaborate....and listen.

I work on a grade level with 6 other fabulous women.  We decided to "beef" up our MTSS materials.  Since it's not like we were provided with any teaching materials...or given money to purchase materials...or really even given a clear idea of what MTSS should look like.  It's like being in a boat without a paddle.  Is anyone else out there paddle-less?!?

In an attempt to "beef" up our resources we have decided to pick a skill or strategy and find 1 resource (game or activity) we could use to teach it and then share it at a grade level meeting.  Last week we met for the first time and everyone printed each other copies of their activity and then shared and explained them at the meeting.  It was amazing to walk away with 7 new games!  I've already laminated, cut out, and added several to my MTSS buckets!

Click here to get this game from The First Grade Sweet Life!
Click here to check this out on Have Fun Teaching!
We also shared links to products on TPT that we really like.  I just love this comprehension packet.  I printed the story and graphic organizer back to back and laminated them.  My students can read them and complete the organizer using a dry erase marker.  I also use them during guided reading!
Click here to purchase this game from Read Like a Rock Star!
For our next few meetings we are compiling activities for synonyms, antonyms, and homophones.  Here's a sneak peek at the homophone resources I'm planning on sharing!

Click here to get my homophone fishing game!
Click here to get homophone match up from The First Grade Sweet Life!
Click here to download Homophone Memory!
Click here to get this homophone cut and paste worksheet!
How do you collaborate with your grade level and co-workers?

Do you have any great synonym, antonym, or homophone activities I could share with my grade-level?  If you do, leave the link in the comments so I can check them out!

I hope you can use some of these resources during your MTSS/RTI time!

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