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Holiday Jams

We listen to music.  A lot of music.  Some might say too much and to them I'd say, there's no such thing!  I'm going to share our top 3 Holiday Jams this year.

1.  Alvin and the Chipmunks-Christmas Song
I....I mean WE could listen to this one all day.  I love listening to my kids sing along to "I still want a HOOOOLA HOOOP!"

2.  The Twelve Days of Christmas-John Denver & The Muppets
Miss Piggy "FIVE goooold rings, BAH DUM BUM BUM!"  We just can't get enough!

3. All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth
I couldn't find the song on the cd I have in my classroom but this is a pretty cute version.  Every time we hear this one they start wiggling their loose teeth...GROSS!

What holiday jams can't you get enough of?


  1. I loved the Chipmunks Christmas growing up!!!

  2. The kid's songs that are stuck in my head are the ones we are performing in the Christmas program. So "Happy Birthday Baby Jesus" and "Up on the Housetop" are those songs.
    Pam Schmidt


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