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M is for cat, tomorrow's meat/farm field trip fun!

On October 25th we departed for our annual first grade field trip to Conner's A-maizing Acres!  Check out this year's corn maze!

Here are a few pic's of us getting lost in it!

The bus ride is just 60 short minutes of pure insanity that may or may not have driven me to drink bottle(s) of wine after work.

When we arrived Mr. Conner talked to us about the importance of a farming in America.  The first place we visited was the cow train!

Next we checked out the pedal carts and slide!

 After that we made our way over to the hayless ride and met up with some hungry cows!

Check out that tongue!
We saw this billy goat and everybody kept yelling "Look, there's the 3 billy goats gruff!  Do you see his mustache?!"  There was only one goat and apparently I need to introduce them to Duck Dynasty so they learn the difference between a mustache and a beard :)

Mustache...haha :)
Finally here are a few pictures of them playing on the hay bales!

Before I go I want to update you with a few funny Tomorrow's Alphabet pages that my students created this year!  During MTSS (tutoring) my high performing students have been making their own Tomorrow's Alphabet books.  Check out my original post about this here!  They have been finishing them up over the last week or so and these are the cutest/most twisted pages I've ever seen!

N is for baby tomorrow's Natalie!  Adorable!
M is for cat tomorrow's meat!  WHAT!!!!

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