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Math Supplements

Lottery Update

Lottery tickets are still the jam, (see my previous post about lottery here) this year they seem more popular then ever!  I've had to repaint my tickets several times.  So I decided to add a few more rewards!

I added the things I've noticed my students enjoy but they didn't fit into my previous rewards.

The prizes are:
Computer-30 minutes of computer time before class each morning
Treasure Chest-choose 1 item out of the treasure chest
Lunch in Class-1 lunch in class with a friend and the teacher
Share a Book-bring a book to school to read to the class
Pick a Job-choose a class job to take over for a week
Candy-choose 1 piece of candy out of the candy drawer
Pencil-choose 1 pencil out of the pencil drawer (& sharpen it in class..OMG! Why is that so exciting?)
Teeny Tiny Treat-you know all that junk you get like stickers, book marks, crayons, erasers, etc...

This is what my teeny tiny treat drawer looks like:

The tickets are still free but now there are a few more "prizes"!  Check them out and if they work for your class feel free to download them today!


  1. Love this idea. So you reuse the tickets and just put on new silver coating? How fun!

  2. Yep, I'm repainting some 'used' tickets this weekend! I like to go heavy on the dish soap (it makes them easier to scratch off)!


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