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Using Our Sense of Touch

Mystery bags.

They've been sitting on my counter for a week.  Waiting for me to find enough time to squeeze in the Science lesson.  They have been taunting my students, creating a buzz...

"What do you think is in there?"

"What are we going to do with that?"

"Teacher, when do we get to use those bags?"

Me:  "My name isn't Teacher.  Rawr!"

Yesterday, their prayers were answered and someone snuck an extra hour into my day.  We did "observations" and "recorded" our data using our "sense" of touch.

We kicked it off with a Brainpopjr video about senses. is the greatest address on the inter-webs.  It's so great, I pay for my very own classroom subscription with the crayon hugs and unicorn kisses that they pay me with.

After our video, I introduced our activity and the recording tool (follow that link for a free copy).  Modeled how to feel the object in the bag without looking then draw a picture of what I think it looks like and write what I think it is.  Students returned to their tables to complete the activity and had a blast!

MJ checking out bag A

Cody's records.  He thinks it is a rubber band.  I think it's cute that he throws in upper-case letters here and there.

HGB is super serious about his observation. This might be the first time I've seen him without a smile on his sweet face!


  1. That looks like so much fun... If one day...and that's a big fat IF I get time for science...I wanna try a mystery bag! Awesome!

  2. Here is your note...
    You are awesome! Thank you for trying your hardest every day and always giving your all even when the rewards are not evident and the pay check is tee-niney!!! (Tiny)
    Do not chop me!!! Who do you think I am??? Ms.J?

  3. Aw, thanks Hallmillar :) I've still got my bags put together if you want to use them!

  4. Hi Jessica
    This looks like fun. I just found you and am your newest follower. Love your blog design too.
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

  5. Thank you so much for visiting Vicky! I love your blog as well :)


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