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Poetry is the final part of my resource folder and quite possibly my favorite!  I think this might be the best freebie of the week so please keep reading!

I took a Literacy workshop a couple of years ago and learned about the power of poetry in reading development as well as it's role in creating a text-rich environment.  The incredible women (I'm not blowing smoke, these ladies were fantastic) who facilitated this workshop armed me with lots of new idea's and emailed me a ton of kid-friendly familiar songs and poems to start a poetry folder.  

I only use 10 of the poems and songs along with my sight word songs.  I re-did their poems, fanci-fy-ing the font and adding cute clip art (microsoft office) for students to color.   My students interact with these poems in two places during literacy centers.  We have a poetry center where they get a copy of the poem, color the picture, read the poem, and add it to their resource folder.  

They also interact with the poem in a pocket chart center where they put the phrases or words in order.  Sometimes they have their partner turn around while they mix the poem up and then the partner has to put it back in order.  

You can grab the Poetry Pack from my TpT store for the incredible price of FREE!


  1. Wow! What a generous person you are! Thanks for making my morning. I totally agree that poetry is a great addition to a reading program. It really helps build fluency and kids love it! Thanks again for your generosity!

  2. I'm happy to help, since it was shared with me I wanted to share with others. As much as it's nice to make a little money off of the things we make it's also just as nice to share effective teaching ideas! I feel like all of the ideas I've gotten from the blogs have made a real difference in how effectively I'm teaching my students :)


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