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Here's What...

Click here to see Blog Hoppin's B2S linky!

Have you gotten your TpT shop on?  I'm still downloading my purchases!  Here's what I got!

Visit Christina's store here!
 I love all of these little flippy books, they are great for introducing or reviewing a new topic.  I've seriously downloaded almost all of these flippy's and my students always love making them!

Visit The 3am Teacher's store here
 I've had my eyes on some of her graphics for a while so I thought I'd download a few for some fishing games I have in mind : ).

Visit A Cupcake for the Teacher's store!
 Sometimes I want to celebrate a holiday with my class and just can't think of an activity that is fun and educational at the same time.  All of her craftivities are phenomenal, check her store out if you're looking for a unique way to celebrate with your students.

Visit Hello Literacy's store here!
 I just stumbled upon Jen Jones at Hello Literacy while I was looking for borders.  She's got adorable border sets for a great price during this Back to School Sale, go peep her out, seriously!

Don't forget to stop by my store!  Everything is 20% off with an additional 10% if you use the code: BTS12 at check out!  Most of my products are in the $2-$3 range regularly so you can get a really great deal on the cutest black and white fishing games ever!

Check out my newest addition Long and Short Vowel Fishing.  There is a fishing game for all 5 vowels.  Students "catch" a word using a magnetic fishing pole, determine whether it has a long or short vowel, sort it into the appropriate category, then continue fishing.  When all the words for that vowel are caught and sorted they record their words on the 1/2 page recording sheet!

Visit my store to get your copy of Long and Short Vowel Fishing!


  1. Thank you for the shout-out, Jessica!! :)

    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  2. Thank you for the super cute Cinco de Mayo unit! I'm looking forward to using it with my class this year :)


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