I spent this week in a workshop on Common Core Standards provided by my school district. Subpar (adj.)-not measuring up to the standard of performance....yes, that sounds like the correct word to describe that experience. The upside was that some of my awesome teaching buddies were there and we went to the beach after the last workshop and had quite an after party. Does anyone else out there just love their work friends?
Today is all about the trip I took this summer and I stumbled upon mini-hundred charts I made last year, they aren't pretty but they get the job done. You can find them below....for free :).
A few weeks ago my mom and I took a little drive (12 hours...just picture a cross-eyed emoticon here) up to my cousins house in Maryland just outside of Annapolis. We hung out there for a few days, hit up the Amish store (my favorite!), and played with all my cousins kiddo's.
If you've driven I95 anywhere between Georgia and Virginia you know a little something about South of the Border! |
That weekend we drove up to Pennsylvania for a memorial service. Over the last year and a half we've bid farewell to my grandmother, aunt, cousin, and great aunt. We had a big memorial service to reconnect as a family and remember a whole lot of AMAZING women. It was very cathartic.
Top left: Church my Nana and Pop-pop were married in
Bottom left: House my Nana grew up in, just down the hill from the church
Right side: Brush Valley Cemetery, also down the hill from the church, where many of my family members have been laid to rest.
My cousins daughter, Elizabeth, had to go to the Holocaust museum for a school report so we took the Metro into D.C. for a day. I LOVE D.C., love, love, love it! The Holocaust museum was...well, I don't even know if I have the words to describe it. It's definitely one of the best museums I've ever been to, you could spend the whole day walking through and learning, discussing, and drawing interesting parallels between the past and present. After the museum we had lunch and went to check out American History, the First Ladies dresses and china were as spectacular as usual, Nancy Reagan's red china is so sassy :). I learned 2 of the first ladies were only 21 when their husbands took office, can you imagine?!?
My mom, myself, Elizabeth, and Megan
We drove home a few days later and it was hard to leave so many of my extended family members behind. Take advantage of the time you have with your people, time passes so quickly and it's easy to let life carry you away. Over the last year I've lost people I love without warning, with a fleeting moment to say goodbye, and after watching cancer eat away at them for 8 years. No matter how someone goes out, no matter how much time you have to say goodbye and come to grips with the inevitable, the loss is still devastating. Make the most of all your minutes.
Now onto a much lighter subject, it's a fun Friday freebie! I created these for my students to glue onto their papers to use to show their work when they are counting on. They circle the number they start with, count forward or back using a light crayon or highlighter, and circle their answer.
Happy Friday!
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