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Back to School 2014-2015

I can't tell you how excited I was to start this school year!  I'm working at a new school in a new county with my oldest teacher friend!

I spent my summer with family and friends.  I got to meet a lot of my new coworkers at beach and pool days so I felt really comfortable getting started in a new place.

This year I've decided not to share pictures of my students faces because my new county is smaller and more protective of the students privacy.  I did get releases from their parents (as always) to share students working through pictures and video however their sweet faces are only for us!

We did a staggered enrollment so half the students came the first day and the other half started the second day.  It was nice to ease back into kindergarten with 6-8 students each day.  Everyone came on the third day and no one cried...hallelujah!

During the first few days we took pictures...

...participated in Kissing Hand activities...

...and got a little silly with Chicka Chicka Boom Boom!

The following week we hosted Open House for the parents to come learn a little more about kindergarten expectations and routines.  We had a few technical difficulties but overall it went well.

Because Open House came out of no where, I kept it simple.  We did a grade level PowerPoint in the Media Center and then headed back to our classroom to share teacher-specific information.

I hopped on the Flipbook bandwagon and created my own version.  I set up some sign up sheets and posted a cute wish list...that I totally forgot to point out.  I told a few jokes, talked to parents (I love getting to know them) and wrapped it up.  Sometimes it's nice to keep it simple!  

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