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Mini Word Wall

Last week I posted a couple of freebies for you that I use in my Resource Folder.  I call it a resource folder because there is a little bit of everything in there.

Hunter's folder, sorry about the glare, sometimes the lights don't like to play by my rules.  I tried moving their clip and it didn't make a difference.

There is a book log, book response page, mini word wall, and poetry section.  This week I will be posting about the different aspects of my resource folder and providing freebies almost everyday!  I will also be posting about a couple of handy centers I created for students to practice sight words and ABC order so please check back!

Today I'm going to share my mini word wall with you.

If you like what you see, 
follow that link to grab it for free.

Just call me Dr. Seuss.

This mini word wall is 5 pages.  Students copy words off of our class word wall onto the one in their resource folder.

I love this concept because they have their own word wall at their desk that they can use during Writers Workshop to spell their sight words correctly.  I know it's hard to see in the picture but each student has a star on the word wall with their name on it.  Students are encouraged to copy those down as well so they can include their friends in the stories they write and correctly spell their name.

We add words to our word wall every week and each quarter I throw a 'word wall' center into the literacy center rotation and students update their mini word wall.  Please stop by my TpT store to grab your free copy!  Check back tomorrow for sight word songs and a cute video!

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