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I can't even begin to express how pleased I am with how the classroom turned out this year.  I recently decided to choose a color scheme/theme for inside of my classroom and keep the school theme outside only.  It just costs too much to completely transform a room every year!  Below are a few general pictures of my class set up.

I love having my desk smack in the middle of the room, nothing gets by me, at least that's what I like to think!
Top: Front of my room with the white board and class meeting area.
Bottom: Back of the room with the word wall, cubbies, and fridge.

Can you guess what our theme is this year?  This is the view outside of my classroom.  I finally got brave enough to hang a few things from the ceiling outside of my classroom!

I love that quote from Seuss, "It's fun to have fun but you have to know how!"  It's the perfect way to kick off that behavior expectations discussion.
Students added their names are on stars to the word wall.

Below you'll see my calendar...nothing exciting, I need to do something about that.  My schedule, and our 60 day countdown.  We are filling in one minute each day of the clock to count down the first 60 days of school.  

The clock corner is my newest addition to the classroom!  Thanks Ginger Snaps for the cute clock labels!

I found the pencil labels on Pinterest and traced them back to Ladybug Teacher Files.  There are my student files in the blue and green crates.  I painted those Dr. Seuss pictures a few years ago and last year I made the first grade frame that became so popular on Pinterest.  I pinned and made it almost a year ago and of course now the link is broken so I'm sorry I can't credit that brilliant teacher!  Finally, I made lots of pennants this summer and I think they are one of the reasons I'm so excited about my room this year!

The How We Go Home board was another Pinterest inspired find from Lesson Plan Diva.  I've also pictured the students library, birthday bucket, and some new shelving units I spent a couple hours putting together last week!

That's basically what I've got going on in my room this year!  I can't wait to see what everyone else's rooms look like!


  1. Your classroom looks adorable!!! I love the Super Student Work display! I just found your blog & I'm a new follower!! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  2. Your room is so cute !! I love it ! I just posted on Monday about Super Star backpacks for my Star Students of the week & I am loving your work display. That would be great in the hallway for those students. Thanks for sharing !! :)

    First Grade Fairytales

  3. Thanks so much Ladies! I'm loving looking at everyones rooms right now!

  4. Your superhero board is such fun. I bet the kiddos totally dig it too!! Thanks for sharing :)

    Kelley Dolling
    Teacher Idea Factory


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