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Book Buddies

Who doesn't love a book buddy?!

This little gem was one of the many brilliant idea's passed down from my mentor teacher when I started teaching.  The first year was just some random teddy bear and I let the kids choose a book.  Then I forgot to get it together for a few years took a break from book buddy-ing.  A few years ago, a Kohl's opened up across the street from my school.

If you aren't familiar with Kohl's, they are essentially a department store and the best thing about Kohl's is their Kohl's Cares program.  Quarterly they feature a popular children's book and stuffed animal for $5 each, I'm talking Dr. Seuss, Eric Carle, Guy Parker-Rees, and many more.  Right now they are featuring Skippyjon Jones, several different books, stuffed animals, and even an adorable backpack, all for $5 each.  Check it out at Kohl's Cares Kids!

Want to know a secret?

I just stumbled across it this summer...

...when they transition between campaigns, quarterly, you can order the leftovers on clearance from their web site for only $2.50 each!

I digress, back to my book buddies.  A few years ago I picked up A Wocket in my Pocket by Dr. Seuss as well as a Yot...the stuffed pink and orange stripped creature from the book.  I didn't know it was a Yot.  I called it a Wocket, until one of my students found it in the book and corrected me.

Apparently I'm not smarter than a 6 year old.

Book buddy was a huge hit that year and I was the best teacher in all of the America's.  Our Yot even got its photo taken with a celebrity!  Extreme Home Makeover came to Jacksonville and the family who had it that weekend took it with them to see the build.  One of the designers came over and took a picture with them!  So adorable!

This summer I made myself get the book buddy together ahead of time since it slipped my mind/I was too lazy to get it together last year.  Meet The Foolish Tortoise!

You know how teachers put out all of their unwanted/gently used items for other teachers to pick up?  I call it classroom dumpster diving and generally try to steer clear of it.  However, one of my colleagues put out an old bingo kit with the old fashioned balls and cage.  I snatched the cage and balls up so fast like I wasn't even ashamed to classroom dumpster dive. Unbelievable.

I used little labels to write my students names on and wrapped them around the balls.  Each Friday I will crank the cage to draw a name and determine who gets to take home the book buddy for that weekend.  I can't wait!  On Monday morning, the student who brought the book buddy home will get to read their journal entry to the class and talk about their weekend with the book buddy!  Did I mention, I can't wait!

I'd like to share my journal pages with you.  The document is not editable because I'm not that smart, but if you like it the way it is, feel free to grab your own copy!

Follow this link to The Foolish Turtle journal freebie!
The journal is pretty basic, I used Kevin and Amanda's Scrapbook Fonts and Microsoft Office Clipart, but I'm REALLY pleased with how it turned out!

Finally, I just wanted to thank both Primary Graffiti and A Teeny Tiny Teacher for the shout-outs on their blogs this week!  I've gotten so much positive feedback about the fishing poles, so many new people have visited my blog and my followers have tripled!  I told my Mom about the fishing poles and on Friday I came home to this...

I really love that woman : )  I'm excited to announce that I'll be putting together some fishing poles and researching both TpT and Etsy to see which would be better to start selling on.  I'm thinking $6 plus s&h for 2 magnetic fishing poles!  Once I get it all set up I'll let you all know!  Thank you again for visiting, following, and the great feedback!

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